Earlier this month, The Welding Institute North Scottish Branch hosted their annual dinner. This year’s charity nominated was Charlie House!
Charlie House is a local charity that supports babies, children and young people with life-limiting or life-threatening conditions, and their families, in the North-east of Scotland. It delivers inclusive and accessible activities for families allowing them to engage socially, make precious memories and meet other families in similar situations, and provides information as well as emotional and practical support for the whole family. The charity currently supports over 140 families, and has supported over 500 individuals in the last year.
Including Gift Aid, £2,000 was raised through donation envelopes on the night of The Welding Institute annual dinner and through donations made directly on the Charlie House website.
To put in perspective the impact that the donations made, they could provide up to 40 one-to-one sessions with children and their families, providing much-needed emotional and practical support to them at really difficult times.
This year was the second year that The Welding Institute annual dinner has supported Charlie House. Last year's dinner raised £3,160, which means that the total raised to date by The Institute is over £5,000 – an impactful sum, which will help local children and their families to get the vital support they need at the most difficult of times. This total raise by The Institute equated to 100 practical one-to-one sessions.
'The Welding Institute have been great champions of Charlie House for many years, and this recent gift demonstrates their commitment to helping local children and their families live as full lives as possible in the time that they have together. Their support truly is priceless’ – Charlie House Director of Fundraising, Emma Leiper Finlayson.
The annual dinner was a successful night and, on behalf of The Welding Institute, we would like to thank all those who donated to such an important charity!
The Welding Institute
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